Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Luck kids!!!

Carmen Hor, also known as 'the other Carmen' by Carmen Chan. good luck for PMR tomorrow. Don't worry, freedom is just a week away. May the force of Rabbids be with you :D

Amanda Law, not forgetting you too.

Carmen Chan, also known as 'the other Carmen' by Carmen Hor. You'll be in my prayers tonight, and I'll forever be your boss, and you be my worker. :D Score As!!!

Mak Yee Leng, though we never meet face to face, we might be relatives seperated ages ago :D Don't worry, after PMR you can be more obsessed towards TVXQ, Super Junior, DBSK or whatever weird Korean boy bands that you and.....

Yoong Pui Yen like. You also another Korean boy band obsessed fan. Good luck :D

Carmen Ten, its been awhile since we talked :D Good luck and God bless ya for tomorrow's paper.

Alison, if you don't score you won't sleep well for the next umpteen years of your life because I will try my best to be your worst nightmare possible :D Make you mama and papa proud :D

Oh yeah, for those whom I forgot to mention, Good luck for PMR. When you're in your SPM years, you wish you were sitting for PMR.

*fail or pass, still go form 4 :D

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