Thursday's carolling was great. We had lots of fun. Instead of going to church and meet up, we decided its best to go straight away to the first house, then only to the second.
Yesterday's lucky number one was Vanessa's house at Len Sen, Cheras. Reached there at 7 p.m (talk about arriving at time...). Uncle Paul welcomed me and my parents to his lovely house. A few minutes later.......the rest of the gang arrived. We all sat down and waited the rest to come.
Daniel : "So, hows the plan at Maya Hotel?"
Michelle : "Dunno lah.........Pastor Monica still has yet to phone the manager to arrange our
Daniel: "I'm sure we'll be singing in the lobby, rite?"
Michelle : "No lah, maybe at the ballroom."
Daniel : "So.....if we screw up then how?"
Luis : "Daniel....don't lah think negative..."
Daniel : "No, I'm just saying, if we really did screw up......I rather screw up at the lobby area,
rather in the ballroom."
Michelle : "Yeah ah, then they'll throw all the food at us....LOL."
Luis : "Eh, why are we sitting when all of them standing...."
Then we began to stand and sing "Joy To The World" as the starting song. Adrian's sister then closed up with a prayer......then.........makan time.
After eating rice with curry chicken and vege, we all had to leave the house for the next one. Due to shortage of vehicles for the whole carollers to sit in, we 10+ people had to fit in 2 cars.Its a miracle that we all fit in.
Our leaders of the pack, Phillip and Suresh, each had walkie talkie. So expect some comedy from them...
Phillip : "Bos, sekarang pergi mana, over?"
Suresh : "Oh bother.......dah jalan ke dead end lah...."
So, we had to reverse and head the other way.........
While Phillip was talking, there was a bump, and it scratched his car's exhaust. Oouch.
A few minutes later.......we stop at a traffic light junction. Next to us, we saw a Malay guy selling durians..
Adrian : "Michelle.........your friend lah. The cute little doggy. Dey.....damn skinny lah the dog..."
Jeffrey : "Michelle......go down lah. Let the dog lick you a few times then he's full already."
Michelle : "I smack the living crap out of you ah!!"
Adrian : "Eh, you like durians ah?"
Michelle: "No, what about you?"
Adrian : "Me too lah, I don't know what's so nice about it?"
Luis : "Daniel, you like durian ah?"
Daniel : "I like it when its in an ice-cream cendol, don't like the smell on my fingers after eating
Suddenly, Suresh checks in...
Suresh : "What's with the debate?"
Jeffrey : "No lah, they're asking whether each of us like durian anot?"
Suresh : "Ask coconuts lah...."
Second house was Brother Voon and his wife's place, not to mention their 2 cute daughters. Grace a.k.a Cartoon Mamoo adores them. Trust me.
After singing 5 Christmas songs, we had McD's nuggets for treats. Then, we asked Voon and family to join us for the next few houses ( 7 houses ) .
Off we went to Aunty Rebecca's house to carol. After doing the same routine, she gave us candy.
Coco favourite. Should have seen Phillip's face when he was given Coco jelly, as happy as a kid.
Then went to Jeffrey's house. Played darts in his house after carolling in his place. Godfrey and Rebecca then joined us for carolling.
Then halfway heading to Uncle Herrington Fernandez's house, I was asked to switched to Godfrey's car. As I got into the car, Tamil hip-hop music was blasting in the car. Adrian and Godfrey were chilling with it.
Adrian : "Don't mind with the music ah bro?"
Daniel : "Nope, not at all."
Hmmm.......Yogi B's songs are quite nice to listen. One of my favourite song is "Hip Hop Era".
Then went to Uncle Herrington's house. I ddin't know he was a Catholic the minute I saw a picture of Jesus in his house.I really don't know. After singing the songs, ate again.
Then, after thanking them for their hospitality, off we went to Connie's house.
Godfrey : "Now Adrian, we have a Chinese fella at the back of us gone blur because of listening
Yogi B's songs. Can we at least play him songs in languages he understands?"
Adrian : "Oh yes macha, why don't we play Chinese songs for him?"
Daniel : "No, I don't listen to Chinese songs......."
Godfrey : "Go and see through the CD's Adrian, this time you better not borrow ah!"
Adrian : "Ok ok , chill lah macha. Oohhh, got Tupac ah, eh , you also got this one ah..."
Godfrey : "Adrian, just put a fucking CD into the fucking player, you little fucker....geesh.."
Adrian : "Ok ok, chill.......ah Eminem lah."
Godfrey: "Sorry ah Daniel for the language I used just now, sometimes Adrian can annoy you."
Daniel : "Ok......"
I was shocked.
Totally shocked.
Went to Connie's house. Tell ya something, Connie's parents are the happiest parents around in church. You'll see them smiling all the time. After singing the 6 songs again (tired mood...and sleepy mood), Connie's parents treat us with snacks like the Indian kuih kapit, some syrup drink, banana cake, pandan cake and much more. Pastor Monica was there with them. Thankfully, we didn't screw up again since last week's Christmas dinner. Alot of drama and stuff.
Connie's parents joined us too.
Then we all headed to Phillip's house, which was the last one. In Godfrey's car, we all listened to songs by Eminem like "My Name Is...", "Stan", "Guilty Conscience", "8 Mile", "White America" and so on. Due to Godfrey's CD , sometimes the songs didn't play that smoothly, which caused us to curse at the CD player. Didn't fully enjoy singing along "Without Me" with the skips.
At 12 :45 a.m, 'today is tomorrow'. We wanted to end the carolling with a bang, and we did. After 5 songs again, we did it. We quickly fall to the sofa and rest our backs. Voon's 2 daughter were fast asleep. Had nasi lemak and mango juice for 'dinner', which is already supper.
Godfrey had to fetch Adrian back, then go to Bangsar again. Grace, Luis and his sisters, Michelle, Gracie and Priscilla had to go back home by Suresh's car. I and Vanessa, we had to trouble Phillip to fetch us back home.........safely, since he's known for driving insanely fast. For a Proton Iswara Saga (the sports edition), its a miricle to reach at a speed of 170 from one place to another.
While he fetched me and Vanessa back.....I curi curi take a peek at the speed meter. 120 mph.......hmmmmm not bad lah.
Reached home at 2:45 a.m. Today is tomorrow.
Today.....guess what time I woke up?
12:30 p.m