After school..............I saw this..............
..........................someone jumped from some floor to the ground!!!!!!!!
Ahahahhahaha.......Xian Xian is sooo easy to be bullied la.....
Xian Xian : "OMG....... what happen?"
Daniel : "Some Form 2 guy jumped and the incident become like this........he later was sent to
the nearest hospital."
Xian Xian : "Oh my......ewww..."
Daniel : "No's just paint and bad drawing from the people who plan this for a C.S.I game."
Xian Xian : "DANIEL!!!! sheesshh!!!!"
C.S.I................Let's play.
Here's the sinopsis............Hao Yang was murdered. And the suspects were:
a) Gan Jerry
b) Gan Yang
c) Efina
d) Angeline Lam
Gan Jerry : He was on his way from a mamak stall, and he picked up a hitchhicker. The
hitchhicker was Hao Yang. When Jerry droped him off, he heard a loud metalic a gunshot. And....Hao Yang's body is lying on the ground.
Gan Yang : Well.............I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.
Efina : Same here
Angeline Lam : Same...wasn't paying attention.
Before the game was started....we were splited into 4 groups. Surprisingly, Kerrie and I are in the same group and I'm the leader of my group, she's my assistant.
Awww.................look at us.
Anyway......................the C.S.I's game's answer is ruined, all thanks to Azereel Zedek. He's smart enough to tell everyone the answer and ruined the game for us. The actual answer is Efina as the killer, but because the answer is leaked out, Gan Yang and co manage to change the answer to Angeline Lam as the killer within minutes before the game ends.
Wahahaha.....come to think of it.....KPJ is fun after all. Thanks for the memories!!!!!