To those who stayed back a little longer after school today, y'all would see me exchanging some words with a parent. Yeah, kinda argued with a father of a theft.
You know Raven? 3J? Indian dude, innocent looking. Don't let his looks fool you guys, he's the one been stealing stuffs in school. Popular membership cards, wallet, money, a handphone, even a MayBank card. A Maybank Card!!! And guess what he told to the headmistress? He said that the card is given by his uncle to give him access for money.
Look, would your uncle be smart enough to give you a bank card, and let you access to his account and take how much money you want? A beggar would be laughing his head off right now man!!
Ok, here's how the story goes. Darshini and I had to stay back after school last week to look for debate points. Then, Cik Adlina received a call from the headmistress, saying that a student had thrown some books from the top floor, and damaged the school fountain at ground floor.
After hearing this, Darshini and I decided to patrol around the school blocks. When we got out of the library, we saw Raven. He was like trying to hide at the outside of the choir room. Then moment he saw us, he start to walk fast. That time I was curious what was he doing there in the first place, so I ran up to the choir room as fast as possible. He saw me, he began to ran too. So, I had to chase him from choir room to the science lab.
He then slowed down, and told me that 2 form 4 Chinese students were after him. That's weird, there isn't any morning session students around in school at 4 p.m.
I escorted him out of the science lab block, bumped into Darshini. Darshini began suspecting Raven too. Then while walking downstairs, he said he left his bag upstairs. I didn't let him off, and made sure he followed us when we patrol the area.
That's weird, the last time I saw his bag on that day was at the small hut outside the canteen.
Pn Yen saw us, I requested her to bring Raven to the office.
So after that, Darshini and I waited for Pn Yen and Raven to go off. We then discussed whether is it a possibility that maybe Raven was the one throwing the books and destroyed the school fountain.
We went to see the headmistress. Told her what we thought of Raven, and the headmistress also believed us. Because on that week, Pn. Tan caught Raven stealing from someone's bag at the canteen.
Both of us (Darshini and me) suspected Raven.
Hmmmm.....Raven could have stole my blazer?
Ok, so today morning, Gan Yang told me that headmistress wants to see me and Darshini as soon as possible. Darshini and I went to see her in the office, and we gave out our testimonies about the incident. Pn. Halimah (headmistress) showed us what was found in Raven's bag. A notebook which belongs to Lim Weng Hooi, alot of Popular Bookstore cards, a Maybank Card (which later is confirmed that it belonged to Lim Weng Hooi). Headmistress told me that Raven told her that the bank card was given by the uncle to withdraw money for him. And there's also a Sony Ericsson C902 handphone. There is no way that it belongs to Raven. Pn. Tan checked the handphone, it contains Chinese songs, and pictures of the owner.
One thing that shocks me is that, there was a butcher knife in his bag, along with a pair of rubber gloves. A butcher knife?!! Damn right. Pn Halimah was so shocked, she couldn't sleep at night because of that.
"What happened to our students now?"
You know, if Raven was having the knife with him when I chased him, he could have hide and one place, wait for me to appear, and strike me. Thank God it didn't happen.
I was curious, why on earth is Weng Hooi's small notebook, which contains telephone numbers of friends and family would be with Raven?
So I went to see Weng Hooi, I told him about it. He then told me that he lost his wallet a few weeks ago. Hmm....then I told him that headmistress even found a bank card. Weng Hooi told me that his wallet contains a bank card.
So after recess, Weng Hooi, Kyle and me decided to see headmistress about it. Headmistress then asked Weng Hooi to say the first 4 numbers of the bank card, he did and it matched. Raven lied.
Now, after meeting with headmistress, Weng Hooi asked me and Kyle to see Raven. Weng Hooi was furious, questioned him about the card. And Raven even had the guts to continue denying and still saying that the card belongs to his uncle and so. Bullshit.
Weng Hooi was so mad, he decided to call his parents and asked Raven to call his dad to see him. Kyle asked Victor to keep an eye on him.
After school, Weng Hooi, Yik Yau and gang went to find Raven. He was at the school workshop class. Slowly taking his own sweet time talking to Pn. Rohayah, he's trying to stall time. We followed Raven to call his dad.
When his dad came, we followed him to the car. Raven's father was inside the car, with the car engine on. Kyle and I worried that both of them would escape, so we decided to stand at the back of the car. Weng Hooi's mum was staring at the father and son. I knew that Raven bastard would twist the story, and damn right he did.
He told his dad that prefects were the one who brought his school bag and checked it.
No, that is false. Darshini and I didn't bring his bag to the headmistress. And headmistress was the one who emptied his bag, not me and Darshini.
He began telling Weng Hooi that the phone is his. Then the father interrupted us saying that he has proof that he bought the phone with the son.
Hello, would an Indian listen to typical Chinese song, and have pictures of a Chinese girl. Even Pn. Tan talked to the owner of the phone, and recognized the owner herself.
This is where Raven's father and me began exchanging words.
Raven's father : Boy, you say prefects were the one who checked his bag?!
Me : No, who told you that?! The headmistress personally checked his bag!
Now, he was giving me that look that he wanted to give me one nice slap.
While walking to the office, he repeated claiming that prefects were the one checked on his son's bag. He pointed at me while saying it. Students around me were curious at what was happening. I couldn't take it any longer, I just increase the tone of my voice.
Me : I wasn't the one who checked your son's bag. The headmistress was the one who checked!!!
I was already this close of giving Raven's dad hell.
Weng Hooi was giving him hell alright.
Weng Hooi : Eh, your son bring butcher knife lah, you like this also don't care ah?!
I then called Darshini to be my witness, that I or any other prefect didn't and never touch Raven's bag. Darshini explained to Raven's dad. Raven then began trying to talk crap again.
I don't know how is this gonna be settled, Raven is my main suspect for stealing my blazer. If he sold it to get money, I'm so gonna give him hell!!! Mark my words Raven, you theft.
Ok, like arguing with a parent wasn't bad enough, the form ones, especially the junior prefects, are so good, that even students eat in the hall, they deicde not to take action
Gan Yang, Kyle and me gave lecture to all of the prefects. Then Kyle caught a student showing a middle finger to a junior prefect, I gave him a piece of my mind.
A peralihan student cursed a form 2 prefect, Gan Yang, Kyle and me gave him a piece of my mind.
Please lah form one juniors, anyone of ya'll who is now reading my blog. Please, tolonglah, do your duty lah!! You think Gan Yang, Kyle and I like to scold you all meh. We don't like it. When there is fun time, you can joke, laugh and chat with us. But when it comes to duty time, please don't take full advantage of our kindness. We don't like it.
Gan Yang gave them 50 lines to write.
Saya akan memastikan tapak perhimpunan senyap sepanjang masa perhimpunan.
Don't complain, 50 is already an easy task. Look what the morning session had last year for not keeping the assembly quiet, 250 lines.
Sigh.......another bad day in school. Will see what happens tomorrow.
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