Sunday, March 29, 2009

poor piano

I tortured the piano with an awful version of Colby O'Donis's "What You Got". I won't be playing that song again. But to my surprise, yesterday simple played the keys, Beyonce's "Halo" then came to my mind. So I tried, and it worked.

Today didn't go to church because I was still 'high' from yesterday's event. So at home, after doing some maths revision, I thought of whether I can play T.I and Justin Timberlake's song, "Dead and Gone". worked after a few attempts. I really need to start playing new songs already. Don't tell me my neighbours and my parents are gonna keep on hearing me play "Decode", "I Will Be", "Live Your Life", "Apologize" (yes I know, its quite old) again and again everyday?

Yeah Diong, I finally realized, it is not easy to sing Haydey's chorus in "Decode", yet alone dragging the voice.

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