Monday, January 7, 2013

One Night That Changed Everything

1 a.m was done cleaning up my room for the night. Parents wasn't around, they went outstation again for the week and I had my assignments to finish off. It was the 5th day being alone at home, the thought of having to deal with silence was just tough. I know this wasn't the first time I've being left alone at home for about a week but still the silence just somehow affects you.

I thought of having a few cigarettes for the night, you know just chilling and all. I bought my first pack ever since internship ended. And out of no where, well, she was just outside of my house. I'd probably didn't expect her to come to my house at this hour, but no harm of letting her in.

What went on was a 3 hour honest, no holds barred conversation. Cigarette after cigarette, I just told her that I had this huge crush on her like 2 years ago and I didn't took the chance to tell her via a sms message. I mean, after all the drama that we went through for the past 2 years, and both being available I guess it wasn't any harm to tell her that I used to liked her a lot.

I was expecting a shock look from her, like she would just distance herself from me and an awkward situation would start from that moment. To my surprise, she smiled and I noticed a lil bit of blush from the look of her face. And then she said the same thing too, such a shame it didn't go our way. One long hug from her and we just continued talking.

Near 4 a.m, she had to go home. Walked her to her car, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. And from that moment, the night ended perfectly and the feelings came back just in an instant.

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