Thursday, May 20, 2010

Noobie With Ice-Cream

Last usual lazy relaxing mornings was robbed by college =( I had to wake up early just to attend English Communication Group Assignment meeting.

Of the 2 months that were given to me and my group to do the assignment, we only meet up for 3 times. Awesome kan?

Pretending never looked so fake.

Unlike me, I was really, really focused :D

Aubrey Chee was hiding in IACT Library's reading room. What she's reading is pretty interesting. 25% fat free piggy XD

The class is given the topic about spreading the Go Green message to the Malaysian youths. For my group, we decided to do some posters in conjunction with our Go Green campaign. Jared and I then started our photoshoot under the terrible, hot Malaysian sun. Even the Mexico desserts isn't as hot as Malaysia's sun.

One of the posters is an ice cream, pictured 5 seconds ago still cold, and the 5 seconds later it started to melt.

That will be the future....but in today's awesome weather, it takes a Cornetto ice-cream to start to melt and become very very soft in 10+ minutes.

So imagine me, holding an ice-cream, standing just outside Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and PATIENTLY waiting for the ice-cream to melt. Pathetic kan?

Me with the ice-cream :D

This is getting a lil' tired. I'm too young to feel old damn it!!

Noob with ice-cream. And the ice-cream finally started to give in to the sun.

Then, the next poster was a slipper's sole melting on a pavement. Jared bought Milo Mocha because he thought the colour matches his black slippers. It didn't work out. We basically just dirtied the sidewalks just outside Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman for the photoshoot. Its like shooting foot porn because out of 30+ shots only 1 or 2 made it to the cut before the final one is chosen. Had to Photoshop the Milo Mocha to match the colours of the slipper.

Oh yeah, Milo Mocha sucked donkey balls....big time.

And that is how I spend my Saturday mornings :D what about you?

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