Saturday, November 29, 2008

I don't understand

I'll make this clear, I don't know what's wrong with you people on judging me just because I wore earrings. So what? Yeah, you heard me, so what?

I wore earrings doesn't mean I'm gay, or I'm rebellious. C'mon, if you judge people like that, you're judging by your OWN standard.

So what if I wore earrings, doesn't it jejaskan my image? Sure, some of you all having one track mind would say that having earrings make you look like a wild child or gangster, or only these un-educated people only have. But seriously, I've seen highly paid well respected people with earrings. Fine, don't believe me? I saw this mat salleh working at ExxonMobil Headquarters, he had an earring on his right ear's conch.

C'mon, some technicians, doctors, businessman had their ears pierced.

If infections come, I'll find a way to get rid of it. I just won't wear it to church that's it. In the Bible, it says that only slaves has it. But now, time is different. Yeah, we're not living in the Old Testament times. There I said it!!! Fine, judge me for saying that. I want to get this matter off my damn mind already.

"Eh, Daniel you Christian right? How can you not obey a comandment in the Bible?"

Eh, nobody is perfect. I'm not deep into the word of God, I'm sorry. Like you obey every single command. I'm sure you even break some.

Go ahead, talk trash behind me. Like I give a damn. Stop judging me by your own standard for Pete's sake.

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