Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen, I've gone darker after doing this job............distributing flyers for a kindergarden!!!'s one of the most tiring job. Distributing cards to houses. All nearly 1000 cards to give out.

Wanted to just throw the stack of cards to the trash bin....but I remembered what my mum told me....

"Dan, datuk of the kindergarden has many friends living in this area......especially Taman Segar. So don't ever think to throw away 700+ cards to the thrash bin and get the money. One time this Malay fella got the cards, threw it away and got the money, then vanished into thin air. Datuk was pissed off and got no response from the Malay fellla..... better don't do that, ok son?"


And this afternoon to think about throwing the cards off, the houses could be datuk's many good friends that are watching. Sigh.........guess I and Wei Jian and Kerrie have to burn under the hot sunny afternoon to distribute cards.

Wei Jian distributing the house to another...

Kerrie distributing the house to another...

What the heck.....Kerrie and Wei Jian distributing the house to another...

Nearly every house has dogs guarding and barking all over the place..... house has 3 cute little doggies when Kerrie distributes the cards. Guess they just saw pretty women.

"Leng Luiiiii.......come see me ahhhh!!!!!" dogs to Kerrie. LOL.

Behind this green pillow.....there is this cute little girl who was so exhausted from distributing cards one house to another. She is Kerrie a.k.a Maccaroni_Girlz. Go check out her blog, it's her first time blogging, so don't be too harsh on the way she blog. I like it by the way.

Yeah, after finishing our job at Taman Segar, I've recruited Gan Jerry to help us out, and his dad even took the time to fetch us to Yee Khai's house at Taman Bukit Segar. Thanks Jerry!!

For the last 129 cards, we went to the nearby flat and shoved it into all of the post by one.

Then go Taman Segar mamak and eat. Wei Jian suggested to go to Venezia and find a job. We struck the jackpot. There is some job for me and Wei Jian at that Italian restaurant. The boss is mat salleh.

Instead of us asking the how much is the salary, the boss asked us.

Okay......................................600 bucks a month. Not bad, since experienced waiters get 1500 a month. should be 750 for us, but what the hack. Later on boss get more headache.

Then go to Lesuire Mall. Went to Fireworks.

Hehe..................Gan Jerry versus Wei Jian in Sega Rally arcade. After that, I went to play Initial D for the first time since playing it on the PS2. Whooosh!!! Loss by the way, but it was close. Seldom played with the steering wheel.

After that......we went home....

"Ma...........I become darker jor............................."

Mum fainted. Dad speechless. God no eye look (translate to Cantonese please.)

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