Thursday, May 29, 2008

Never seen before Maccaroni Boy

(Foul language is used in this blog post. Don't like it, skip please.)

Was waiting to order food, then suddenly....Raj Dev, captain of Street Thugs, phoned me.

"Dei Daniel, tomorrow got game know. 8:30 a.m..."

Then, my alter-ego came to me. I couldn't bare it any longer. From Tuesday until now, I let it all unleashed.

"You bloody fucker, I don't want to be just like Tuesday, all never come, all fong fei kei!! Tuesday suppose to have game against Sanjay's team, you pussies never come to the field. At least notify me lah you bugger!!"

'Saujana game on Tuesday, oh shit, sorry man. This time it's different. Ok, I promise. Can you make it for tomorrow?"

"I'll try....ok, I'm not sure."

"Ok....thanks mate."

I'm not your bloody mate for Pete's sake.

You should have witness how loud was I talking. As loud as the whole restaurant can hear me speak loud and clear. Crystal clear.

I guess the minute I say the F-word, people of all ages were staring at me.

For a moment, I thought I made a complete fool of myself, now, looking back, I think it was kinda cool.


Furthermore......I guess I had everyone shocked in the restaurant. Even Kyle.

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