Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Apple vs Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin' Donuts....once was Malaysia's favourite donuts chain, now becomes Malaysia's worst and expensive donuts chain.

Guess who's the best? Big Apple Donuts baby!! Let's see how they go head to head...

Box Art.

Dunkin' Donuts box cover is plain simple.

Big Apple......something different. Their logo is much more detailed than Dunkin' Donuts.

The donuts

Dunkin' Donuts

Big Apple Donuts

Look, I'm kinda like wasting a lot of time by comparing Dunkin' Donuts and Big Apple. It's like comparing a Proton Saga to a Mercedes Benz. Am I right?

Seriously, Dunkin' Donuts have nothing special already. Look at their donuts....nothing special. It's plain Jane, what do you want me to do?

There is something about Big Apple's Donuts.

I guess it's the detail on their donuts. Pay attention to it. For instance, this one with the white heart shape. Wonderfully crafted on the donut.

What about the flavours......Dunkin' Donuts has the same old donut flavour for the past few years. For Big Apple Donuts, its different.

You'll have the almond (My favourite)

The ultra-delicious Mango Donut...with mango cream in the middle.

What about the peanut butter donut with white chocolate on the top. Irresistible.

And another favourite of mine, blueberry donut. Yummy.

Now I don't have a picture of their Durian Donut, it's so nice. I guess these few pics of what Big Apple has to offer is enough to make you not buying Dunkin Donuts anymore.

Oh yeah, talking about the price, Big Apple is cheaper by a Ringgit.

Half a dozen for Dunkin' Donuts : RM 10.50
Half a dozen for Big Apple Donuts : RM 9:50

You see the difference now.

Conclusion : Big Apple Donuts is better than Dunkin' Donuts. No contest.

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