Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Heart of Liberty City

There is a very very interesting 'easter egg' in Grand Theft Auto IV. Well, every Grand Theft Auto game has it since it was released for the PS2.

Now this 'easter egg', is by far the best, and the most disgusting one I've ever seen in my Grand Theft Auto playing time.

I'm serious.......

There is this 'easter egg' called "The Heart of Liberty City"

The Heart of Liberty City
First, you'll have to have access to Happiness Island. Once you're able to go there legally, find the Helicopter Tours (which is directly east of Happiness Island) and steal a helicopter. Fly to Happiness Island and over the Statue of Liberty, then jump out of the helicopter at the statue's feet. You should land on the topmost tier of the statue, which is basically a square platform with a door in the center of each side. Run around the platform until you see a door with a plaque on either side of it that reads, "No Hidden Content Here." It may seem like you cannot go through the door, but you can-- it doesn't open, you simply walk THROUGH the door. Inside, you'll find an empty room with a tall ladder. Climb it, and when you reach the top, look up; there is a gigantic beating heart, held in place by chains.

Wanna see a pic?

Niko Belic climbing to the heart. As I controlled Niko to climb up, the sound of the heart beat gets louder and louder. Its disturbing.

I and Kyle couldn't play in peace already.

By far the grossest easter egg of all. I used a sub-machine gun to shoot at the heart, pieces of meat form the heart comes out.


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